BBQs in the US

Wo hab ich denn meine Lunchbox hingepackt...ah hab sie. Ah hey nice, dass ihr wieder da seid! Ich freue mich! Also wie euch die Beschreibung bestimmt schon verraten hat, versuch ich heute mal was ganz waghalsiges und schreibe einen Artikel auf englisch, dass es "meine" Amerikaner auch verstehen (LOL).


Todays topic is American BBQ. You will read a lot about food in my blog, because you know America has GOOOOOOD food!

You probably all know the German BBQ time in summer, when you can smell all the good stuff out there! BBQ in Germany, especially at my house, is a big event. I mean when we invite people for BBQ in the evening, my mum starts with the preparing, like decorations, cleaning and that kind of stuff at noon. My dad, the grillmaster, starts preparing all the fancy stuff around noon too! So a whole day is planned.


In America it is a bit different. I am here for one week now and I`ve already learned a lot of American people. One of the things I like most in America is, that everyone is soooo nice and chilled. Like with BBQ. We had a BBQ last sunday. Friends were suppose to come around 6pm.

In Germany you start the preperations at 1 pm . Not in the US. We`ve been to the church and after that we went to get breakfast/lunch. Then we came home around 1pm: NAP TIME!!!! I mean when you got up early, you can`t go on with your life without a nap!!


Luckily my American family has a BIG pool in their garden! And when I say big, I mean BIG! After my nap I threw on my bathingsuit, layed down by the pool and listend to music! Perfect sunday!!!!! Around 5:20 "aunti" Dianne (my host mum) started preparing the salads and the vegetables. When the friends came over, she was still busy with foodpreparing. No problem at all, we went out to the pool and they jumped in. Talking, swimming, drinking beer...Thats life my dear friends, thats life.

They turned on the grill and then we sat inside at the kitchen counter and ate . No decorations, no big table, no big work. Easy and chilled, no pressure! It was one of the best BBQs I ever had! I also met some new people and you all know how much I love meeting new people!! And guess what...they were all sooooo nice :D!!! I know I talk to much about how nice the Americans are. I`ll stop that...oh wait no I will not, I don`t care about how often I talk about HOW NICE AMERICANS ARE! (LOL). We cleaned up everything and then we just enjoyed the wonderful evening! What can I say, chilly sunday, good food and a wonderful company, couldn`t ask for more!


So jetzt switch ich wieder ins Deutsche, also meine Freunde, wenn ihr keine Lust habt euch wegen eines BBQs solch einen Stress zu machen, macht es wie die Amis, baut euch nen Pool in den Garten, esst in der Küche und chillt einfach!

Ich wünsch euch was!

Cheers, Ayleen.

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