“Work” at HUS

Good morning ladies and gentlemen,
today I want to talk about something everybody has to do in his life, but we all do it different. 
Yes exactly, today we are talking about work! Yeah work, everybody loves work....not! I mean you have to get up early, you are tired as fuck and then you have to strain your brain and talk to stupid people! Even the best coffee in the world does not help anymore! You literally want to die! Yeah I know I am exaggerating again!

 The plan was, that I do an internship at Heidelberg US (HUS) but it wasn’t that easy to get a working visa, so I applied for a “shadowing” visa. Bad thing is, I cannot really work and I don’t get any money....good thing is, I dont have to work everyday and if I have to do something it’s not hard work! Yeah! 
Last wednesday, after we came home from vacation, I helped and observed the “open house” event at HUS.
I was “busy” with collecting luggage, handing out headphones, collecting headphones and handing out luggage. Really hard work!!! Ok no it was not! JUST JOKIIIIIING! But it was fun, I had the chance to talk to other interns at the marketing department. There are so many differences between Germany and America! 
The best thing was of course not learning something about work life...the best thing was....THE FOOD! I mean I had better food in my life but it was free and it was food sooooo I am good with that. 
They had German chocolate cake too! Everybody in Germany knows the German chocolate cake! It is soooo popular in Germany I mean we have it everyday! Haha I can see all the German faces out there at the moment! “What is German chocolate cake? Never heard about that before, where can I get it?” Guys I never had German chocolate cake before either. I told the people there that I never heard of a German chocolate cake. “Wait what are you kidding me, its so good, and it’s from Germany!” No its not! I mean don’t get me wrong, this cake was delicious and I usually don’t eat cake. It’s with a coconut chocolate frosting!! Soooo good! But I googled it, because I wanted to know where exactly it’s from. Guess what, country of origin: The United States! LOOOOOOOL. 

If you would hear, that a cakes name is “German chocolate cake” you would assume, that this cake is from Germany right? I thought that too but...THATS WRONG!
fun fact: it’s an American cake invented by an English-American chocolate maker named Samuel German! So the original name of the cake is “German’s chocolate cake” . The name “German chocolate cake “ gives the false impression of a German origin. 
This cake has even its own day!!! (June 11: National German Chocolate Cake Day) LOL! This cake achieved more than I will ever do in my life! LOL. Now you learned something today with Ayleen the explorer! LOL again, like we Germans say: “All good things come in threes”.

Now, after that event I have little projects now and then and I get the chance to ask questions and to visit different departments, because thanks to my dad, I have to write a paper about my experiences here and about American culture! Yeah! 
I also volunteer at the Kennesaw State University. Same as at HUS just “shadowing” but its fun meeting new people my age and talk to them but I tell you more about my experiences at KSU another time!

Ich wünsch euch was!
Cheers Ayleen! 

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