Fasching, Fasnacht, Karneval

Helau and Alaf.

Zickezacke zickezacke HEU HEU HEU!

I am back Ladys and Gentlemen. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!

I survived the Carnival time! I mean...I am still alive, bit sick but alive!

Let me tell you a bit about the fifth season: Carnival or how we call it: Fasching!

Carnival is the time right before the Lent. You party, eat and drink one last time before the Lent begins. Where I live we call this time Fasching or Fasnacht. When I hear Karneval, I think more of the Carnival in Venice or Rio, where Carnival is different than in Germany. 

5000 years ago in Mesopotamia during the time of priest-king Gudea, there was a 7 day long celebration after new year as a Symbol for the wedding of one of their gods.  Everybody was equal. Slaves and Lords. That celebrations are the predecessor of the Carnival we know today.

Everybody is in disguise, you can be whoever you like, nobody is judging and everybody is celebrating together.

Oficially the Carnival time starts every year at the 11.11 at 11:11 till Febuary we have a lot of "Prunksitzungen" . You have no idea what tha is right...ok let me explain....

I start at the beginning:

In Germany we have a lot of Carnival clubs. They practice all year long for their Carnival performances.

Every club has a president. The clubs organize the Carnival parades and the "Prunksitzungen" .

All the clubs have a dance team we call "Tanzmariechen". Thats how they look like.


But not only the "Tanzmariechen" are part of a "Prunksitzung". There are a lot of "Büttenreden" too, thats a funny speech, its like stand up comedy. Besides the speeches there are little funny acts.

A "Prunksitzung" is always a funny event.

The "real" Carnival time starts in Feburary on the Carnival thursday, we call it "Altweiberfasching" or "Schmutziger Donnerstag" (dirty thursday): PARTY ALL NIGHT LONG! The time I was still at school we partied thursday, slept for one to two hours and then we went to school! FUN! Usually the teachers didn`t do proper class so it wasn`t too bad!

The day after, 2017:

After "dirty thursday" the party and parade time goes on till Carnival Tuesday and on "Aschermittwoch" (Wednesday after Carnival) the Lent time starts.

Carnival parades are fun too! You drink, there is music and a lot of nice costumes.

At a parade there are a lot of different wagons with different themes from different carnival clubs and they throw CANDY!!! A lot of candy and other things... :) ! But whatever they throw its always fun to party with all those people, age doesnt matter, how you look doesnt matter, nothinmg matters your are just people who want to have fun together! Thats why the Carnival time is my favorite time a year.



Last year I wasnt in Germany on Carnival, so I missed the fith season !!! Horrible!

But this year I WAS READY TO PARTY AGAIN!!!!!!!

We had a blast on dirty thursday, went on a carnivals parade with my mimi and pop-pop on Saturday and on my last Carnivals party on Monday.

These were my outfits of this year.

DONT FORGET THE KIDS! I would never....we also have kids Carnival. Its during the day and the children have the chance to wear costumes and have the time of their lifes with a lot of funny games!

But besides all the fun something bad happend this year on Carnival Monday in Hessen (State in Germany).

A car drove into the crowd at the Carnival Parade. The police doesnt know the reason yet but it wasnt alcohol. There are over 60 insured people and a lot of them are kids.

I dont know what to say. Why would you ruin such a funny event! Why would you hurt so many people? I want to know what is going on in the head of a person who does something like that.

I pray for all the insured people and their families.

Hopefully that doesnt happen next year!


Cant wait for next years Carnival, already planning my costume!

Ok bye!



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