I am bored in a house

I am soooo bored, you guys have no idea!

Yeah I know it doesnt look like that on the picture, that was one fun moment where I felt like an actual person all dressed up. 


I remember new years, I really thought 2020 would be my year.....well I was wrong, life kicked me in the face! My life is probably laughig an me right now : " haha surprise, 2020 is going to be shit and you really thought its going to be your year how stupid and naive!" Well thanks, I learned my lesson.

I cant believe it, I mean it is April and we were close to world war 3, Australia burned and now we have that stupid virus, what comes next?

Forget about that question, I dont wanna know....surprise me...! 

I am sitting at home for a couple of weeks now ...actually a couple of months but before the virus thing I could meet friends , go outside, go partying and all that stuff. No I am talking to my friends on face time , I mean to be honest thats fun too..different but still fun.


I heard that many people complaining about getting fatter during #stayathome but not me! Yeah I am surprised myself. I would have never thought that I am going to be sporty and healthy! If somebody would have told me that a couple months ago I would have laughed at their faces. But now I started doing home workouts and I go biking every now and then and I cook healthy things: I have changed! 

My room usually was more a messy one, every now and then I cleaned or reorganized it but not that often. Now my room is clean ALL THE TIME! I make my bed every morning, I put my clothes in the wardrobe and dont let them sit on "the chair" for one or two weeks. 

Maybe its because I have so much time or....or...I cant even say it...maybe I am getting old! AHHHH! Oh yeah sure there are younger people than me who always have their rooms cleaned but I have more proof! 

Last weekend was the Easter weekend. Usually you get socks and sweets and eggs for Easter but this year my mum gave me kitchen supplies! Baking pans, a mixer, a mixing bowl, spatulars ...and not just that my mum got me that I was also really happy about it! What does that say about me??? Well maybe getting old is not the worst things after all, let me think about it....no it is pretty bad!!

I just have to deal with it. Anti aging creams, crochet hooks and going to bed early I am coming! ...Maybe I am being a little dramatic here...but just a little. LOL. 

So todays article is just a short one, I am out of ideas cause I mean the most exciting thing that happend the last couple weeks was getting the kitchen supplies on Easter...poor me! 

Maybe you have some good ideas for topics I could write about, let me know. 


Stay healthy folks and have a great weekend! 


Cheers Ayleen. 


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